5 Essential Qualities to Look for in a Nanny
Nannies are valuable in a family, especially when your work is demanding. For this reason, hiring a nanny involves a significant decision for you and your family. Besides, the nanny you hire for the role will be handling some of your important tasks while spending quality time with the most important people in your life-your kids. Therefore, you must choose an individual you can trust to positively impact your life and your family. If you have challenges choosing the right nanny, you can contact the Chicago nanny agency for the best nannies ever.
Since people are different, you can expect varying personalities from one nanny to the other. Nevertheless, there are some basic attributes that your ideal nanny should have, and they include the following.
1. Punctuality
Employees across all work sectors must embrace punctuality in carrying out their tasks. Nannies are no exception; they should always be on time, especially when handling kids. A nanny’s punctuality is crucial throughout the day to enable them to manage all house chores efficiently. They should be up early enough, prepare their kids for school, and pick them up on time. Punctuality entails great time management skills, thus keeping everyone and everything on the right track.
2. Love of Children
You cannot afford to overlook this quality if you have children in the house. Your nanny must show genuine love for kids at all times. While special skills, experience and education matter, none of these will make an individual who does not sincerely love dealing with kids a great caregiver. Feeling honoured to be a nanny and enjoy serving children is the foundation for every other quality.
3. Communication Skills
A great nanny should be able to communicate properly with the kids and their parents as well. They should not hide any secrets from you as a parent, regardless of what it is. Also, a perfect nanny should facilitate comprehensive daily updates on how the day went.
Additionally, your nanny should not fear asking questions whenever they are unsure of the directions or what is expected. You want to get a nanny that frequently shares information regarding your kid and can handle any issues associated with the employment.
4. Patience
Caring for children is not a task that everyone can handle. It can be challenging, especially when dealing with toy disputes, temper tantrums and fussy feeding. While it can be easy to be controlled by anger in such situations, it is best to be patient with the kids and keep calm. If a person is high-tempered, they might not be the right person for the nanny role. A perfect nant should be patient and well composed to deal with problems wisely.
5. Trustworthy
Usually, you might find that a nanny spends most of the time handling your property and children. Therefore, you have to place a huge amount of trust in them. An ideal nanny should be trustworthy to deal with everything under their care and should not disclose sensitive information about your family to others.